Official community mobile application for Bavan Leuva Patidar Samaj
It provide below information
- Committee member detail with mobile number
- Donner List with donation purpose
- List of useful visiting card of Member
- List of family and family member detail with photo
- Easy to search any member of Bavan Leuva Patidar Samaj
- It’s shows student achievement detail for brilliant student
- List of upcoming occasions
- Advertisement section
- Latest news and activity done by Bavan Leuva Patidar Samaj
对于Bavan Leuva Patidar社会报官方社区移动应用
- 委员详细的手机号码
- 唐纳列表与捐款的目的
- 会员有用的名片名单
- 家庭和家庭成员的详细照片列表
- 轻松搜索Bavan Leuva Patidar社会报的任何成员
- 这是显示高才生学生成绩的细节
- 即将到来的场合名单
- 广告节
- 最新的新闻和活动通过Bavan Leuva Patidar社会报做